Image brochure and financial report 2022
After a challenging period marked by the pandemic, NürnbergMesse can once again say this with certainty: Attendance fairs are making a strong comeback – the trade fair business model is back! People are meeting people live again. Fittingly, we were allowed to design the image brochure for NürnbergMesse, which was deliberately conceived for “touching” and is now available in printed form in extreme portrait format, presenting NürnbergMesse offline as well. Rounding off the reporting is the financial report as an interactive PDF in landscape format.
Services: Concept, design, implementation and process control of the image brochure and the financial report in two languages, production of printed version

“With the hybrid power plant and
the exhibition halls designed
by Zaha Hadid, we have the most
energy-efficient halls and most
sustainable energy production!”
Prof. Dr. Roland Fleck, CEO of the NürnbergMesse Group